Covington Senior Living Bistro Mural
My friend and one-time employer Dave Clarke asked me to create a mural for a bistro in a Senior Center he and his partner built in Farmington, Utah. I sketched up a handful of concepts, but we landed on an old main-street storefront scene, done in a whimsical, nostalgic style. To inspire remembrance and celebration of family members who paved the way before us, the mural is chock full of small references to the Covington Senior Center founders' own families and forbears. From the "Burton" skis (reference to a family member with the last name Burton who was an avid skier) to the fruit pies and sugary cereal, most of the details are there for a reason. Even the shop names have significance. The word "COVINGTON" is also hidden (letter by letter) throughout the mural.
In addition to the hidden COVINGTON, there are also hidden clues and references throughout, and visitors (especially residents' grandchildren and great-grandchildren) can use the Bistro menu to check-off what they find from a corresponding list of clues. (Note: the dark gray rectangle at left is a counter area running perpendicular to the mural wall).
Client: Covington Senior Living
Completion Date: 2021

Yes, Burton makes snowboards not skis! This logo is a reference to a founder's family member who was an avid skier.

Even the specific toys had significance to some of the founders' early family memories.

The owl-shaped cookies, creamery name, and even the diploma on the wall were each little details referencing family history.

The pets escaping out the open window is meant to do more than bring mischief and fun, but also references beloved pets from founders' families.

This wasn't the final direction, but I still enjoyed seeing this one finished out anyway. This direction also has a hidden "C-O-V-I-N-G-T-O-N" within it, if you can find it. The letters are more abstract (more than one involves the donuts!). Though I prefer where we landed with the other mural, I do like certain moments of this one.