Warner Brothers 100th Anniversary Posters
Warner Brothers Studios is celebrating their 100th anniversary in 2023. To help commemorate the occasion, Mattson Creative was hired to create posters highlighting some of their most iconic films and franchises from their rich 100 year history. I was asked to illustrate and design the posters, and worked together with Ty Mattson who creative-directed the project, tag-teaming initial concept sketches between us.
These are vector artwork, created in Adobe Illustrator. The grain texture was created as a transparency mask with a "grain" filter applied. (See the brief YouTube tutorial below).
Some of the posters are available on WBshop.com and all of them are available in various other places online.
Client: Warner Brothers
Creative Director: Ty Mattson
Illustration: Russ Gray

Just a little Tutorial Video | Airbrush Grain Texture